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STEAM Enrichment Program Giveaway
STEM Supplies is a Minnesota-based STEM education equipment supplier. We are giving away a STEAM Enrichment Pr...
Free resources, tips and activities for youth and teens from Camp Fire Minnesota
Amid social distancing and schooling from home, it’s more important than ever that youth (and adults) spend ...
Stay-In-stitute for Climate Change Education
Stay-In-stitute for Climate Change Education July 22-24, 2020 Register by July 13th Registration $150 Scholars...
Free wildfire distance learning curriculum for students grades 6-12
Did you know that MNDNR has a free online interdisciplinary wildfire curriculum for students? Content is tailo...
#MNCODES Summit May 16, 2020
Join us for a day of hands-on sessions that explore ways to empower ALL learners by integrating computer scien...
Please share with female students in 6th or 8th grades: STEPS – Science, Technology, & Engineering Preview Summer
Applications are now open for STEPS, a free, day-long, all-girl science, technology, and engineering immersion...
Middle and High School Teachers Needed for Computer Science PD
Scholarships are available to schools and teachers that qualify.’s professional learning programs f...
Interested in bringing renewable energy into your classroom? Join us on December 7th and explore ways to bring...
Transcending Boundaries: Connecting School, Career & Community Through STEM
Join colleagues from Minnesota’s STEM learning ecosystem to consider the role of STEM education in providing...
CANCELED: Science Museum of MN Teacher preview of the Race Program Package, Saturday, November 2, 2019
A special preview for educators! Context for — and conversations about –race have never been so im...