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STEM Education

About STEM Education

Preparing Tomorrow's Workforce

STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Math and is the economic currency that makes students employable in the global economy.

STEM is a statewide campaign that has been made possible through the support of state organizations including: Minnesota Department of Education, Minnesota High Tech Association, Minnesota Business Partnership, and Minnesota Chamber of Commerce. It is directed towards K-12 school students, their parents and educators, promoting the importance of achievement, the value of rigorous courses, particularly math and science, and the need for early career and postsecondary planning.


percent of new job growth in MN coming from STEM occupations


entry-level STEM positions available between 2009 and 2019


Average STEM wage per year versus $43,460 for non-STEM workers


percent of STEM students who enroll in college within one year of high school

Fastest Growing Job Market

Over the past 10 years, growth in STEM jobs was 3X greater than that of non-STEM jobs.

Earning Potential Advantage

Workers with STEM degrees enjoy higher earnings regardless of occupation.

STEM Skills are in Demand

STEM skills have stayed in demand even through the economic downturn.
