Free film and toolkit for High School teachers
- October 20, 2020
- Post Category: Offer
- Views: 2308
Type : Materials / Supplies
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Boston, MA
The producers of this inspiring science documentary featuring Nobel Laureate Dr. Jim Allison ( have made free to high school educators to inspire future scientists. Jim Allison: Breakthrough is a moving, true story of a warm-hearted, stubborn scientist, and his visionary quest to find a cure for cancer. (Featured on PBS Independent Lens and we have hosted screenings with NIH, NABT, and USA Biolympiad to name a few).Over the summer we convened a team of teachers that co-created a robust accompanying Educator Toolkit aligned with NGSS and AP Bio standards. (•Lesson plans•Lab activities•Immune System Workbook•Career Exploration activitiesThe film can be used in the classroom or for virtual learning. It can also be a great activity for science clubs.Since the move to distance learning last spring, many high school and undergraduate educators around the country are using the film already and their students are really getting a lot out of it. See what they're saying: (’t hesitate to reach out with any questions.Stay safe and healthy,AnneAnne Phillips | Uncommon Productions | Boston, MA & Los Angeles, CA | mobile 443.570.9188 | breakthrough@uncommonproductions.comScreen Jim Allison: Breakthrough for free with your virtual or in-person classroom. Learn more: