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Ambassador: Meghan Pickard

Ambassador: Meghan Pickard

  • January 9, 2018
  • Post Category: Ambassador
  • Views: 1944
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Location : 55114
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Meghan Pickard
I work as a Pathologists' Assistant, which is a lesser known career in lab medicine. Most of the work I do consists of taking surgical specimens and choosing nickel sized pieces of them to be analyzed by the pathologist under a microscope. (For instance, if someone had her uterus removed for endometrial cancer, I would measure and take cuts of sections of the tumor). I also teach and perform medical autopsies. This job involves a knowledge of normal anatomy and disease, and is perfect for anyone who likes hands on work behind the scenes.
University of Minnesota Physicians
Job Title
Pathologists' Assistant
Field of Work
Health & Medicine
Primary Organization
University of Minnesota
Visit Offers
Speaking, Demonstration/Show and tell, Hands-on Activities/Working with students, Assist teacher with planned classroom activity, Assist or present at after-school program, Volunteer at STEM/career fair
Topic Areas
Careers in STEM, How I Do My Work/Inquiry & Testing, How I Use STEM in My Work, Medicine/Health Science
Ways I Can Help
Career Exploration Activities, Fun Demonstrations or Materials, Identifying Other STEM Ambassadors, Hands-on Curriculum/Activities For Students
Student Age Range
Middle School, High School, College & University
medicine, anatomy, women in science, lab, little known careers
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Ambassador: Meghan Pickard

  • January 9, 2018
  • Post Category: Ambassador
  • Views: 1944